Recent Vehicle Thefts & Burglaries


Unfortunately, over the past several weeks, North Ogden City and the surrounding areas have seen an increase in vehicle burglaries and vehicle thefts. There are ways that, as citizens, we can discourage these crimes from occurring.

Vehicle burglaries are almost always crimes of opportunity. Criminals are looking for something to steal, and they look for an easy target. Very few auto break-ins are random; typically, the thieves see something in plain sight that’s valuable or hints of possible hidden valuables. Leaving your valuables in the vehicle instantly makes your car a target for thieves.

It only takes a few seconds for someone to steal your valuables, but it also only takes a few seconds for you to remove your valuables and secure your vehicle. This will reduce the risk of your car being burglarized. Always lock your vehicle, even if you plan to be gone for only a brief time. If you have an alarm or anti-theft device, use it.

Vehicle thefts are also crimes of opportunity. Never leave your keys in the car and make sure to close windows and sunroofs. Don’t leave your car running and unattended. This will make you a target.

If you park your car in the garage, make sure to close the garage doors and take the keys out of the vehicle.

Lighting is always important in preventing thieves from burglarizing or stealing your car. Motion lights and lighting on the outside of your home will deter thieves. Outside cameras are also a deterrent.

One thing that is incredible about the citizens of North Ogden is that we watch out for each other. Neighborhoods are aware of the traffic in their area and observe changes. We would like to encourage you to keep an eye out for unusual traffic or obvious differences in your neighborhoods. If you see something, please say something! Feel free to call the police if you see something of concern.

We are all blessed to live and work in a wonderful city and, together, we can continue to keep it safe and relatively crime free.


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