Back-to-School Advice from Teachers

With the 2018-19 school year recently underway, it’s time to dip back into the notebooks and chromebooks to excel in and out of the classrooms. School teachers at Weber High offered some tips to make the school year successful and memorable.

Bryce Ballif, Vice Principal:

I would tell incoming students to be ready for the challenge of adjusting to high school. If it takes them a little time, just fight through it. Lots of sophomore students struggle with the class load and other distractions (like dating, jobs, driving, athletics, etc.). High school can be a huge adjustment, so just keep fighting.  To go along with that, to new and returning students I would say: expect the struggle, welcome the struggle, embrace the struggle and get through the struggle. Life is oftentimes hard, and you must be tough. We can do hard things!

Robyn Nielson, English Teacher:

I don’t think this is advice so much as a plea. I would love it if students could reach out to others they don’t know. Too many students feel isolated, lonely, and alienated. It would be great if we could do more than accept or tolerate difference, but instead became interested, curious and celebrate difference.

Jarvis Pace, Ag Teacher:

My advice to all students would be to get involved. Find an organization, club, or sports team to be actively involved in. This will help you find your place at the school and to make friends.

Kevan Larsen, Art Teacher:

Starting on the right foot means getting to class/school on time.

Julie VanOrden, English Teacher:

Realize that you have so many adults in your life who care about you—not only your parents, but also your teachers, counselors, administrators, librarians, and the new student advocates we have at Weber High. If there’s something in your life you need/want to talk about, we’re here for you!

Jen Paige, Counselor:

Lots of advice! Join clubs and get involved in school. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. All school personnel—administrators, counselors, teachers—are willing to help you. Make a goal to meet new people this year. Join a new club, try a different type of class, push yourself past your comfort zone.

Alan Rawlins, Business Teacher

My advice to students is to just be kind! You never know what someone is going through. They could be hurting because of something at home or outside of school. You don’t know their circumstances so be kind and smile and say hi to people. Don’t make fun of or bully people because of the way they are. Instead, get to know them and be kind.

Jessie Howard, Science Teacher:

My advice to new students is to find a way to get involved, whether it’s tennis, drama, cheer, yearbook club, karate club, start your own club, just whatever. You will have experiences you will remember forever. The rule is simple: the more friends you meet = more fun!

As for returning students, my advice is to include others around you. It’s cool to be nice to incoming students or people you don’t know. Try it, it works wonders!

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