Mayor’s Message


love the start of a new year, and all the new opportunities it brings with it. The month of January is named for Janus, the Roman god of new beginnings. Janus had two faces: one looking forward, and one looking back. As we begin a new year, we have the opportunity to both look back in review at the year that has passed, and also to look forward to the future. 2017 has been a great year for North Ogden City: in May we became one of the very first cites in Utah to change all of our streetlights to LED. In June we completed the first phase of our new streetlight program, with 29 new streetlights on Washington Blvd., including beautiful hanging flower baskets and patriotic banners. Several new businesses have opened this year including ACE Hardware and Standard Plumbing, with more great businesses coming next year including Beans & Brews & Maverik. 2017 was a great year for our city, and 2018 will be even better!

Thank You to Councilmen Jim Urry and

Lynn Satterthwaite for their service.

As we start this new year as a city, we are having a transition in our city government. Council members Satterthwaite and Urry did not seek reelection and have honorably completed their terms of service in December. It is difficult to put in words how much good they have each done for our city. Councilman Satterthwaite has served for four years and has made incredible contributions to the city, especially in helping plan and build the new Public Works facility without debt and in helping better plan for future infrastructure needs in our city utilities (water, sewer, etc.) to avoid bonding.

Councilman Urry has focused on the city budget and on making sure that every tax dollar is used judiciously and with wisdom. His level of detail and probing questions have improved our budget process and outcomes for our city. We thank both of these dedicated public servants for their years of service to our city!

Brent Taylor,

Mayor of North Ogden

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