Community Question Corner

Question: How do I report a code violation?

Answer: North Ogden City has employed a code enforcement officer for the past several years. Their office is charged with enforcing the code by bringing people into compliance with the various rules and regulations of the City. The office focuses mainly on weeds, trash, trailers, and debris in the front yards and areas which are visible from the street. Please keep in mind that some plants which look like weeds are actually carefully cultivated. Several of our code provisions also allow for the storage of some materials, like vehicles, if they are properly screened from the street by a fence or other method. The department focuses on getting compliance and not generating fines so we try to work with the individual residents on bringing their property into conformity with the rules. We appreciate your patience with us and your neighbors as we work through outstanding issues. Our code enforcement officer is willing to answer any questions you may have about what is prohibited. Feel free to give Nate a call or send him an email. or 801-737-2218.

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